The Bastille Sphere

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The Bastille Sphere


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The Bastille Sphere: a penal colony being developed by Harmony Inc. Entry is one way only, with no way out. It's supposed to be for habitual reoffenders and the worst violent offenders.

Leyland knew just how corrupt Harmony was. Eager to populate their colony, they used the system to grab anyone they thought wouldn't be missed. If they qualified for gladiator training, it was a bonus, as the broadcast games added to the revenue the colony brought in.

The prize: A fight to the death with the winner gaining his parole. He couldn't leave Bastille, but would gain a modicrum of freedom, including his own home behind the walls of the Compounoutside of the prison grounds, and be gifted with a mate. It was a win/win as far he was concerened. Leyland would either be freed by death at last,