Worlds Collide; An Alpha Alien Abduction Tale, Book 2 Sci-fi Adventure/Romance (Sneak Peek)

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Worlds Collide; An Alpha Alien Abduction Tale, Book 2 Sci-fi Adventure/Romance (Sneak Peek)


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The adventure continues with Natalie and her mate.

Commander Venay's ship is still on the planet and he is waiting for a new ship to arrive and take them all back to the V'Zenian Empire. The Zateelians still have a presence on the planet near them, and are attacking the humans as they find them.

Can Venay save his slaves and his crew from the Insectoids? Or will they take over before a new ship can come and take them to safety?

Join J.L. Hendricks on her second mission writing a Sci-fi adventure/romance with Alpha Aliens who have abducted humans to be their slaves, or possibly their mates! If you like Ruby Lionsdrake and Lindsay Buroker, then you will love this amalgamation of those two genres!