Into The Skies, A Prequel: The Shadows Trilogy, Book 0.5

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Into The Skies, A Prequel: The Shadows Trilogy, Book 0.5


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A prequel for the Novel Into The Shadows by author ClareMarie.

You know my future daughter’s story. Now, here’s mine. My name is Ariana Dale, and I’ve been keeping a secret.

A past is revealed.

It all started when I was a sixteen-year-old student at the Paranormal Sky Academy (PSA). I got a glimpse of the year 3000, and now, I must protect my daughter from it. Luckily, I prepared for this very moment.

A truth is discovered.

A new paranormal species is to be created, thanks to be my beautiful girl. Unbeknownst to her, there are many who want to prevent that from happening. My quest to save her reveals an alarming connection.

A danger is coming.

Paths will be forged. Lines will be crossed. Destiny will be set in motion.
The Skies came before The Shadows.