My Christmas Angel - a very short, very sweet love story about kindness, generosity and strangers who touch our lives in ways they might never know

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My Christmas Angel - a very short, very sweet love story about kindness, generosity and strangers who touch our lives in ways they might never know


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Do Christmas wishes ever come true? Ask Abigail, who at age eight met a real live "Christmas angel." Thirty years later, Abby is a single mom and successful book editor and author of the popular holiday children's story, "My Christmas Angel." But she's never stopped wondering about Dickie Daniels, the scruffy little boy from the wrong side of the tracks her mother brought home one memorable--life changing--Christmas Eve. When the phone rings on Christmas Eve eve, a voice she never truly expected to hear again reaches out to prove second chances can happen if you have a little faith in the power of love and kindness.