Bad Blood

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Bad Blood


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What would you do if you were an exchange student and your host family was a hot-but-grumpy centuries-old vampire?

I’m so excited to be headed to the Ever Dark Academy, where I’ll be a transfer student for the following year.

Except I never make it.

When a shadow demon boards my train, I’m overcome by his power and I blackout.

And when I wake up? I’m in a place called Dread.

Awaiting my arrival at the train station is Harlow. He’s an incubus—a sex demon, and he’s got instructions to deliver me to my host family.

This means I’ve been expected in Dread. Why? That’s the mystery I need to figure out. And pronto.

But, first, I have to survive the evening at Castle Raven Night, and I have to survive my host family, Count Jean-Claude Von Zarovich.

Yeah, the count might be the hottest guy I’ve ever seen in my life, but he’s also a vampire, and last I checked, vampires eat you...