Embark on a magical journey with our "Enchanted Escapes" Fantasy Group Giveaway! We've curated an alluring collection of spellbinding tales that will transport you to otherworldly realms and far-off lands. Explore these fantastical stories and uncover your next favorite author, waiting just beyond the horizon. Feel free to indulge in as many books as you wish, and prepare to be swept away by the wonder and enchantment of this mystical collection. Happy reading, and may your adventures be filled with magic and wonder!

A Demon in the Desert
Ashe Armstrong
Grimluk is an orc with one purpose: hunting demons.

The Wastelands mining town of Greenreach Bluf...
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All the Disappearing Things
L.M. Dodds
When magic can make so much possible, how much is too much?

While wasting her talents in a backwa...
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Hidden Worlds
Kit Campbell
Margery has always felt like she’s had no one to share the stories in her head with. That changes wh...
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Mysteries of the Monster Warehouse
Ivan Hurtman
Welcome to Mysteries of the Monster Warehouse!

This fun and interactive gamebook puts you in the...
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Tales from the Borun-Ma
Ruth Miranda
The Borun-Ma.
A world rife with magic and dangers, threatened as it is by the haunting of demons an...
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Beyond The Shining Portals Chapters 1-5.
Charles N Palmer
Jack Brennan is scared. Bounty hunters are combing London for runaway factory apprentices and it’s o...
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Return to Lemuria
Richard Gradner
Billy Bayer is taken prisoner by the descendants of the Lemurian civilisation after conspiring again...
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How to Forget to Remember to Forget Magic
Viktor Strangewayes
For those searching for the truth, look no further; you have found what you seek. For those looking...
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Niranjan K
In Hastinapura, Atiratha and Radha find a baby floating in the river. In the palace, the impotent Ki...
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Lady Warrior, Mage of Man
Sherrie Bakelar
D'Mique's dreams were bigger than the walled village where she grew up. Upon joining the military, s...
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Discovery of the Five Senses
K.N. Smith
A suspenseful incident in a forbidden preserve heightens the senses of five friends. Sight, sound, t...
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The Sailor and the Sea Queen
Charles N Palmer
A mystical tale set in Devon UK.
A powerful female spirit is angered by a father's lack of care for...
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Pantheon: A Dark Epic Fantasy Novel
Joshua Landeros
smoke is on the horizon. The delicate truce with the other nations teeters on the edge of collapse....
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The Deadly Reckonings - The Tribes of Feralis...
Rebecca and Victoria Heap
When their animal spirit awakens, the tribesmen of Feralis must master their creature to arise anew...
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Code of Rainbow: Soaring Flame and the Dragon...
Weiqi Wang
This is the first book of a teen fantasy book series that nurtures the bloom of MAGIC in the soil of...
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The Pulcher's Last Dance
Charles N Palmer
If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more inte...
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